Teach a child the way s/he should live and s/he will remember it all her/his life. —Proverbs Christian Education is the ongoing development of faith through continuous learning and strengthening daily spiritual practices. While Christian Education has focused primarily on youth, there is increasingly a call to recognize the need and desire for adult education. The following are integral to the Dixwell’s Christian Education Program:
Youth Sunday School is held simultaneously with Church service on the third, fourth and fifth Sundays. The goal is to present lessons which are youth-friendly, engaging and encouraging an understanding of a loving God and the life of Jesus Christ.
Adult Sunday School meets each Sunday morning prior to Worship from 9:45 until 10:30 am. The group meets to study biblical passages and lessons sequenced according to the comprehensive UCC curriculum. Lessons are focused on developing personal responses as a Christian with a “still- speaking God” at the head of our lives. Discussions contribute to the answering of questions about how to bring God through Christ into daily, contemporary living. In addition, Bible Study is held weekly.
Youth continue to serve as Worship Leaders on the second Sunday of each month. In addition to delivering the Invocation, Responsive Reading, Welcome, Announcements and Gospel, youth will often provide a special perspective on the liturgical and/or secular calendar. Music is provided by both the Sunbeam Choir and the Teen Ensemble. Youth have consistently participated in programs for Easter, Homecoming, and Christmas.
Graduation Sunday in June celebrates the achievements of the year in Christian Education and regular school. Gifts and treats are presented to church children at this time and again in September to inaugurate the school year. Gifts are also given at Christmas and Easter.
Additional Christian Education and church-sponsored events include the Family Picnic and quarterly youth and family events that are spiritual, recreational, and cultural. UCC events are integral to our youth programming.
The Church Council consists of the Moderator as Chairperson, the Scribe who is the Secretary, and the Treasurer- all of whom are elected by the Church membership at the Annual Meeting.
The Church Council is also comprised of the chairpersons of the various Church Boards, standing Committees, auxiliary organizations and four (4) members of the congregation who serve as at-large members.It is the function of the Council to give consideration to the entire organization and management of the Church, to plan with the Pastor, to formulate a well- rounded program and to mobilize the support of the Church in affecting the programs planned. The Council acts as the coordinating agency of all organizations within the Church.The Council meets quarterly to share information and put forth actions that bring ongoing renewal to the life of the Church.
The Deacon Board serves the church and the congregation through support and cooperation with the Pastor by promoting the spiritual life of Dixwell Congregational UCC. The mission of the Deacon Board is to spread the Word, to bring everyone into the fellowship of the Lord, and to exemplify the life of our Savior Jesus Christ. The Deacons meet monthly and assist in serving Communion on first Sundays. In addition, Deacons visit and serve communion to members who are sick and shut-in. On behalf of Dixwell Church, the Deacon Board contributes to charitable organizations and efforts within our community and contributes to repasts held at Dixwell for deceased church members. Deacons provide outreach to all members and support them during their various stages of life and those of their families. Of particular importance is the role Deacons fulfill in the lives of seniors and assist in maintaining their connection to Church and Church family.
Knowledge of the Bible while understanding and sharing their own faith journey is a necessity for Deacons to effectively perform their duties in promoting and enhancing the spiritual life of our Church.
The Finance Board acts as Trustees of the Dixwell Avenue Congregational United Church of Christ, Inc. This Board sets forth and implements all of the fiduciary duties of and for the Church. At the same time, it oversees the day to day operations of the Church. Inclusive of the operation is work and attention to the Building and Grounds maintenance of the edifice and the property. It is comprised of at least 15 members and the Treasurer. These 15 members and the Treasurer are elected by the Church membership at the Annual Meeting. The Finance Board prepares, presents and monitors the annual budget.
The Board elects its own offices to serve annual terms.
The Finance Board communicates continuously to the congregation and meets quarterly with the Church Council.
In addition, the Finance Board conducts and supports fundraising projects endeavoring to ensure the life of Dixwell Church in times of abundance as well as in times of challenge.
Dixwell Church was founded in 1820 by Simeon Jocelyn, a lay leader, along with 24 formerly enslaved and free African-American residents of New Haven. Some of the founders emerged from Center Church, the first and oldest Congregational church in New Haven founded in 1638 as well as from United Church originated in 1742. The founders met clandestinely in their homes, before forming the African Ecclesiastical Society and then moved into the Temple Street Church at 105 Temple Street. History was recorded for over two hundred years in many documents written by ministers and leaders in the church’s three locations.
The present members of the History Committee are responsible for documenting, researching, preserving, digitalizing and storing the Church’s archival information and keeping the archives safe. The Committee is mandated to collect and provide accurate information about Dixwell Church and its members over generations. Resources utilized are electronic documents, newspapers, other written media, television and national museums, libraries, historical societies and church members’ memorabilia and primary source materials. In developing its guidelines to document the heritage and legacy of the church, the Committee incorporated the UCC Statement of Faith, denominational ethics regarding archives as well as the constitution and by-laws of Dixwell Church.The History Committee was firmly established in 2005. At that time, Margo Johnson Taylor was elected chair by committee members. Prior to that time, Barbara Winters, Mabel Draper and Janet Mays Priestley were devoted members who organized and maintained the archives. Thereafter in 2007, Rev. John Henry Scott, III named Mrs. Taylor Dixwell Church Historian, the first person to be so designated to serve and collaborate with a UCC initiative implemented by the national office for Church Life and Leadership and developed within the Connecticut Conference. Many projects have been advanced because of the history largesse including the story of Dixwell as an Underground Railroad stop, (Thomas Lovia Brown, PhD and Margo Johnson Taylor), the Story of William Grimes by Regina Mason (assisted by Barbara Winters ), Living Into Legacy Dixwell’s Music History with the Yale Institute of Sacred Music (developed by Nicholas Alton Lewis, Charles E. Warner, Ed.D., Reverend Frederick J. Streets, Ronald Pollard), Helen Hagan, Dixwell Music Director, Yale School of Music graduate, composer and teacher (Dante Anzolini and Charles Warner, Jr.), The life of Francis Cardoza, A Brief Moment in the Sun: Francis Cardozo and Reconstruction in South Carolina by Neil Kinghan ( assisted by Margo Taylor), research by Ainissa Ramirez, PhD, on Sarah Marshall Boone, who patented improvements to the ironing board and member of Dixwell Church (assisted by Margo Taylor and Althea Norcott), and the Life of Timothy Cesar Revolutionary War Soldier ( Catherine Overton, assisted by Margo Taylor).Dixwell’s history is intertwined with New Haven history and articulates singular as well as collective stories of courage, faith and perseverance.
My brothers, consider yourselves fortunate when all kinds of trials come your way, for you know that when your faith succeeds in facing such trials, the result is the ability to endure. Make sure that your endurance carries you all the way without failing so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. -James 1:1-4
The Men’s Network was founded by Mr. Rawle A. Yearwood on March 31, 1957. Dixwell men continue to recognize and extend their gratitude and humility to this leader. In May,2012, the men provided the following citation: Thank you, Mr. Yearwood, for your visionary and spiritual leadership setting the standard that has helped us to steer the course of friendship, fellowship and brotherhood for the last 55 years. May God’s blessings continue to be with your memory, as yours has been with us!
In 2020, The Men’s Network will celebrate 63 years of service to the Church. Its purposes remain the same to gather and galvanize men in support of specific and ongoing projects of Dixwell Avenue Congregational UCC. Overall its purposes are to gather men to dwell together in unity and to ensure that the legacy is one of continuation through intergenerational work. As cited in Psalm 133: Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! It is like the precious ointment upon the head, that ran down upon the beard, even Aaron’s beard: that went down to the skirts of his garments.
The Men’s Network annually presents their Men’s Day Program featuring a prayer breakfast, a speaker and the Men’s Choir. The Men’s Network initiated the Men of Vision and Valor Award to honor the longevity and service of these members and which is presented at this annual program. Projects over the years have included renovation of church spaces as well as a Men’s Closet to provide clothing to those in need- assisting men in augmenting professional clothing for employment and in assisting men re-entering society after incarceration.The Men’s Network works with the entire congregation understanding in our world that a Church is effective when men, women and youth work together.
The Missionary Board is comprised of a group of members elected by the congregation. They are responsible for supervising and coordinating the missionary education and many service activities of the Church. The Board is charged with recommending to the Finance Board the distribution of a portion of the Mission Fund income raised through designated giving as well as proceeds from Missionary Board fundraising activities. The Missionary Board also conducts outreach to church members and to friends of Dixwell during periods of illness and bereavement.
As a way of showing Christ’s love to those around us, the Missionary Board has continued to engage in a number of service activities including:
Missionary work is centered locally as well as to sites throughout the United States. The Board ensures contributions to the UCC Five for Five offerings which support One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, the Christmas Fund, Neighbors in Need and Our Church’s Wider Missions.
The Board actively works to sponsor and present an Annual Fashion Show and Tea in addition to several excursions.
The Music Committee supports the Dixwell Church Music Program by working collaboratively with our Music Director to provide music for each Sunday’s Worship Service as well as to develop music for special events that enhance a particular observance in the Christian calendar. Likewise, the Music Committee often provides a music emphasis of a thematic quality for community gatherings and programs. Additionally the Committee works to sustain our Living Into Legacy Program, established in 2014 with the Yale Institute of Sacred Music building on Dixwell’s foundation as a premier provider and celebrant of music genres and prominently, African-American music literature.
Dixwell hosts four choirs: For adults- the Voices of Dixwell and the Men’s Chorus; for children-the Sunbeam Choir beginners to age 12 and the Teen Ensemble for youth. The goal of presenting an inspiring and varied music program requires preparation, participation and service. For example, all choirs may sing separately for the same service and subsequently will sing en masse to render selections. Youth choirs sing on the second Sunday of each month. Music staff consists of Mr. Ronald Pollard, Music Director, Mr. Markel Greene, Mr. Kevin James and Mr. Michael Albert supported by longstanding music educator and school administrator, Dr. Charles Warner, Sr. and for youth, Mrs. Letamarie Highsmith and Mrs. Sharyn Esdaile. Music is portrayed via piano and an extraordinary Allen 350 Organ. Brass, wind, bass and percussion round out the instrumentation for special jazz and blues services which have punctuated the music offerings.
In addition to our perpetual work and the commemoration of our bicentennial, there are specific tasks for the coming year. The Committee is in the process of organizing its extensive and extraordinary music library. In so doing, it will enable our Church to apply the rich legacy of African-American music that belongs to each of us.
The Music Committee is a team of willing and able collaborators who value excellent music and meaningful experiences. We are fortunate to host ongoing collaborations with Heritage Chorale of New Haven, New World Arts Northeast under the direction of dramatist Mrs. Aleta Staton, and with the accomplished trumpet and flugelhorn musician, Mr. William Fluker, associate member. The Heritage Chorale has presented as a community invitational, The Seven Last Words of Christ while in residence at Dixwell.
We are extremely blessed with abundant talent and infinite faith. We remain available to God to proclaim His greatness and His promise to each of us.
The purpose of the Pastoral Relations Committee is to support and maintain an open and healthy relationship between the Pastor and the members of the congregation. Among its responsibilities is to identify and implement constructive procedures to resolve possible disputes and to help heal relationships if/when disputes arise.
The Pastoral Relations Committee also conducts an annual assessment of the pastor which includes ongoing communication with the Pastor and the Church Council.
SACRED SPACE INTERNATIONAL www.sacredspace.world
The mission of Sacred Space International (SSI) is to encourage interfaith dialogue and explore cultural diversity by sharing sacred space. Founded in 2002 as The Center for Religious Architecture, the organization was a response to the events of September 11th, 2001, and the national climate of cultural misunderstanding and fear. Believing that architecture could serve as neutral ground for discussion of these newly ignited issues of cultural and religious difference, this secular organization educates on religious traditions within the context of each tradition’s worship space through a carefully designed process that builds relationships and trust across difference. SSI operates as an arm of The Parliament of the World’s Religions, which is a global organization promoting interreligious harmony through education, programming, and activism. SSI is expanding its programmatic reach nationally and internationally to explore the architectural implications of sacred space in our increasingly global society.
Beginning on October 3, 2018, Dixwell Church became part of the first participating eight congregations who opened its doors to extend hospitality to participating congregations and visitors. Approximately once per month thereafter, until May of 2019, each SSS congregation opened its doors in turn.
These religious and spiritual communities are coming together in partnership to visit one another’s sacred spaces, learn about other religions, extend hospitality, equip themselves with some of the tools of interfaith dialogue, and build an interfaith community. The Sharing Sacred Spaces (SSS) program is designed to engage religious diversity within a safe and tested format, and to widen participation in interreligious activity across the Greater New Haven area. Through these visits to spaces where people pray, worship, engage in religious practices and celebrate life’s events, participants will be invited to listen, learn, and connect with one another. Each visit will contain specific elements: an architectural /religious tour of the space; an introduction to the religion; sharing from members; a dialogue or a shared activity; and refreshments. Each visit is thus more than a ‘tour’ or ‘open house’; it is an experience. Sharing sacred spaces is designed to deepen understanding of one another to ultimately build trust, generate goodwill, and foster a greater sense of community together. SSS’ second iteration in New Haven is also being run in collaboration with Yale Divinity School. Graduate students at Yale are participating with New Haven congregations as an integral part of their own spiritual development and their study on sacred space, sacred architecture, and the world’s religions.
Suzanne Morgan, AIA The Parliament of the World’s Religions Sacred Space Ambassador Founder and President of Sacred Space International; Vanessa Avery, PhD Program Director, Sharing Sacred Spaces; Rev. Dirk Ficca Strategic Consultant; Faezeh Fathizadeh-Administrative Assistant
The Usher Board members greet all who come to worship or attend special events. They take care to make members of the congregation feel welcome in their own home church while being equally attentive to welcoming newcomers and guests. Ushers seat guests while readily orienting them to the Church edifice and being aware and responsive to anyone who needs assistance. The attention to all worshippers is of the utmost importance whether procuring a drink of water or helping parents in supporting their children.
Ushers also wait upon the congregation by collecting the offering.
Ushers often continue their welcoming and hosting duties into the fellowship hour, which follows worship service, to ensure the wellbeing and comfort of everyone.
Our ushers reflect the warmth, affirmation and welcoming feelings of our congregation as well as those of the United Church of Christ.
All women of Dixwell Church are members of the Women’s Fellowship. The ministry is designed to engage women to actualize and magnify the work of the Church and the women within while building relationships and strengthening understanding of Christianity. Women meet to determine the agendas, projects, needs and implementation of their decisions.
In addition to hosting civic, social and spiritual activities which can be a combination of the aforementioned and which are open to women and men congregation members and friends. Women’s Fellowship is responsible for planning and presenting the annual Women’s Day program featuring a distinguished speaker – a woman who may be a member of the congregation or may be a guest from the wider church and/or community. Women’s Day generates giving to the Church, and Women’s Fellowship activities may as well result in fundraising for the Church.
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